Damascus Dispatch has learned that the U.S. Cyber Command, a division of the CIA, has successfully hacked TikTok and is now gathering information on it’s users. Rather than develop their own intel gathering software, millennials that significantly influence the CIA determined it would be easier to hack TikTok than to actually produce software to collect security based intelligence.

Secret documents, that were inadvertently leaked, show that the CIA had great interest in “individuals and organizations determined to undermine confidence in U.S. election integrity.” Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests by the Damascus Dispatch about this CIA activity were summarily dismissed as “right wing extremist fear mongering”. However, internal CIA sources, close to the TikTok hacking effort confirmed that the hack is real and that information is being gathered.

This is a breaking story and we will provide updates as information becomes available. Be sure to subscribe to Damascus Dispatch tand be the first to hear the fake news as we create it.