Brittney Griner was given a hero’s welcome at the White House Friday following her 10 month incarceration in a Russian prison. The U.S. Marine Band began playing the Star Spangled Banner as Griner arrived in her limo. She stepped out of the car and immediately took a knee, intent to remain there until the band finished playing. The Presidents Own band members were clearly not amused with Griner’s act. Rather than finishing the anthem at the end of the first stanza, as is tradition, the band continued playing. After sixteen stanzas, first lady Jill Biden, took the baton from the band director and shooed them out of the garden.

The Biden State Department negotiated Griner’s release in a prisoner swap for the notorious Merchant of Death, Viktor Bout. Many were surprised that the US would trade a ball player for such a dangerous criminal. At the ceremony, the president stated, “We’re so proud to have such a heroic American back on home soil. This was a fair and equitable swap for all involved.” Griner later thanked the president adding that, “Americans should consider doing the same for prisoners in the US who are unjustly being held in our own prisons. I’d love to see us swap a bunch of racists MAGA politicians for my brothers being held on petty drug charges.” The president just nodded and smiled, saying he’d see what he could do.