Ken and Karen Munchausen have filed a lawsuit against Boston Children’s Hospital because they refuse to perform gender reassignment surgery on their four-year-old, Keygull. In a recent MSNBC interview, the couple was in tears. “Our child is suffering from an acute case of gender dysphoria, and the hospital refuses to help us,” said Karen. “Their motto ‘Until every child is well’ is a farce.” Keygull was assigned male at birth (AMAB), but the parents insist that from day one there were problems. Ken told the interviewer, “Keygull could not decide if eyr favorite color was blue or pink before we left the hospital. In fact, we think ey may have preferred yellow or green.”

“When we got home,” Karen continued, “pressing Keygull for a decision only made ey more frustrated.” By the time Keygul was three, it was obvious to the parents that the child wanted to be everything. “So we went to Boston Children’s for help.”

Ken interjected, “When we told them that Keygul should have a vagina as well as an additional penis, they literally slammed the door in our faces.”

“Literally,” Karen added as she dabbed away tears. “I mean everyone agrees that gender is fluid. It’s a scientific fact. Why the hell can’t these ‘doctors’ as they call themselves, understand that?”

Boston Children’s Hospital issued this statement after the lawsuit was filed: “We agree that gender is fluid, and that children should be comfortable in their own skin. But the surgeries requested require inversion of unwanted organs to create the desired genitalia. Simply stated, there isn’t enough meat to successfully complete the surgery.”