confederate air force grandpa story

President Biden’s propensity to stretch the truth is well known, but this story has to be the most outrageous yet. In Friday’s appearance at the US Air Force Academy, Biden told a completely unbelievable story about his Great Grandfather. “My great grandpa George “Snoopy” Biden was also an aviator. I’m not kidding you here man. As a 12-star general in the Confederate Air Force, he flew 75 sorties in the famed Sopwith Camel.” There was silence amongst the cadets until finally someone clapped to end the awkward moment. The president continued, “He lost both his legs on his 54th mission when he got caught up cable attached to a grappling hook. He still went on to fly 21 more missions to free the slaves behind confederate enemy lines.”

The claims of his beloved great-grandpa’s service languished on to include distinguished honors he received including the Iron Cross, Meritorious Service Medal, Purple Heart, and Good Conduct Medal.

Republicans were quick to point out the impossibility of the claim. “Biden’s story is completely unbelievable,” said Fox News Host Tucker Carleson. “His Great Grandpa George wasn’t born until after the civil war ended.” He also pointed out that powered flight hadn’t been achieved until 38 years later. MSM Fact checkers gave the president a pass however, stating that he likely mistook his Great Grandpa George Biden for his Great-Great Grandpa Joseph Henry Biden who would have been alive and of fighting age during the civil war. Snopes rated the story “Mixture” because it has significant elements of both truth and falsity.