New York Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) has proposed an alternative to the Omnibus Spending Bill. The proposal, that would save taxpayers $1.68 trillion, is to send every person in America to see her new movie “To The End”. Her climate change documentary was an overwhelming flop at the box office last weekend grossing only $9,667 in 120 theaters. Its estimated viewership of 805 people means that, on average, fewer that 7 people attended at each theater. Ocasio-Cortez, not to be discouraged by the abysmal turnout, found an opportunity in the new spending bill debate.

“I’m not usually concerned with saving taxpayer dollars, but in this case, I see a win win win win win Win,” Ocasio-Cortez explained in a press conference. “Taxpayers win by having 1.7 trillion dollars to spend elsewhere. Congress wins by having a single page spending bill,” as she held up a napkin with calculations scrawled on it. “The Environment wins because the American people will be properly educated on what’s really going on with the climate. The Environment wins again because the military won’t have money to spend on fossil fuel. Undocumented Immigrants win because they will learn the true evils driving American society. And, most importantly, I win because the box office revenues flow straight to my bank account where I can do even more good with it.”

The gory details

Cocktail napkin calculations included prices for movie tickets, popcorn and bottled water. When asked about the beverage choice, Ocasio-Cortez stated that it was the “healthiest option.” Other costs listed on the napkin were a one time “Latinx subtitles” fee and “Swag Bags”. Ocasio-Cortez explained that the subtitling would be conducted by her fiancé who is “fluent in Latinx languages.” She also described how the Swag Bags would help people vote correctly using Dominion’s new universal prefilled ballots. Movie tickets and refreshments for the estimated 3,500 illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border each month would result in ongoing annual cost of $36M/year. But, as Ocasio-Cortez pointed out, that’s negligible compared to the rest of the budget.

AOC’s napkin math