CoCk suckers IRS

A recent filing by a consortium of scientific organizations known as the Church of Climate Knowledge (CoCK) has persuaded the IRS into allowing tax exempt status for the newly formed church. Under current IRS rules, the organization qualifies as a religious organization because it meets the following requirements: CoCK is organized and operated exclusively for religious, scientific or other charitable purposes. CoCK’s net earnings do not benefit any private individual or shareholder. No substantial part of CoCK activity influences legislation. CoCK does not intervene in political campaigns. The purpose and activities of CoCK are not illegal and do not violate fundamental public policy.

Damascus Dispatch undercover investigative reporter Tim Tinker has learned that CoCK is following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard in declaring Scientology a religion. As such, CoCK expects to not only avoid taxes, but have the ability to separate nay-sayers from their families, implement secret “internal Investigative services”, prosecute and punish anyone inside the organization as necessary, avoid engaging law enforcement when handling “internal issues”.

Climate change activists and left leaning politicians praise the CoCK move. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Socialist- NY) stated, “I love this CoCK move. I don’t think I’ve ever had more respect for CoCK in my life. This is the kind of CoCK that will bring satisfaction that Americans are too ashamed to admit they want. CoCK will not only save this country, but the planet as well.”