Biden blasts president for China travel restrictions

Moments after the Biden administration announced upcoming COVID restrictions for people who travel from China, President Biden blasted the administration for Xenophobia. “I can’t believe the President of the United States could stoop so low in this time of global crisis. It sends a message to bad America about antizhan (sic) sentiment in this country. Bolo skideet dat wad out in chew.” The president also took issue with the timing of the new restrictions asking, “Why wait until January 5th? If there is a threat of COVID transmission, why not start vaccinating now instead of waiting two weeks? What changes between now and January 5th? C’mon people. Wake up and smell the lemonade.” Apparently, Biden was unaware that he called for the travel restrictions on China himself. And based on his current behavior, no one seems surprised.

The Chinese-run tabloid Global Times initially called the restrictions “unfounded” and “discriminatory”. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) seemed happy with the Presidents follow-up.