I didn’t exactly weep when I watched this video. What I did do however, was recognize that the use of the word ‘love’ in this case is a noun, not a pronoun. Even still, I do see that Ian McKellen has a point. Life would be a whole lot simpler if there were a single, universally acceptable pronoun for everyone to use. Besides, gender specificity is so 2022. The language police at DamascusDispatch.com hereby declare love/loves as universal pronouns. We therefore wave goodbye to ae/aer, fae/faer, he/him, it/its, she/her, they/them, ve/ver, xe/xem, ze/hir, dumb/dumber, and any other nonsensical crap the left can think up.

The real question is, will the eccentrics accept love/loves as universal pronouns? If everyone is referred to as ‘love’ will they loves be happy not being able to distinguish themselves loveselves from commoners? Revered, hyper-sexualized, dolled up drag queens will be virtually indistinguishable from the racist, MAGA-loving fascists. And self-centric morons who insist on jamming leftist ideology down our throats will no longer have ‘mis-gendering’ as a tool to attack their opponents. By taking away that tool, it is unlikely the love/loves movement will go much further than McKellen’s video. But we can always hope.