Alaska Airlines Right Wing Removal

Alaska Airlines, notorious for their left leaning tendencies, announced plans to remove the right wings from all of their aircraft. The Alaska Airlines Right Wing Elimination Program (RWEP) is a response to a video produced by Live Action which slams the airline’s leftist policies. Diversity Inclusion and Equity (DIE) (DEI) Director James Thomas had this to say about the new program:

Alaska Airlines will not tolerate right wing extremism in any form. We have already put a chokehold on right wing ideology, but we can’t stop there. Right wing structures are just as toxic and un-inclusive as right wing ideals, so we will now focus on removing right wing structures as well. We are committed to removing right wings from all of our aircraft by 2029. If you’re wondering why we chose the year 2029 and not 2030, I’ll tell you. 2029 is the year of the chicken, the only flying animal in the Chinese zodiac.

In addition to the removal of aircraft right wings, there will be other visible changes. It’s an act of cultural misappropriation to use the likeness of an indigenous person to promote any commercial enterprise. Therefore, we will be replacing Eskimo Joe, he/him with an image that more closely aligns with our company culture, Che Guevara.

To all of you who laugh at the idea of one winged aircraft, I will close by saying, WATCH! Just because no one has ever tried it, doesn’t mean it won’t work.”

No citation needed. This is satire

It only seems fitting that Alaska Airlines would offer a half off promotion as a part of the RWEP program. But it’s highly unlikely.

The original video that triggered Alaska Airlines to remove wings from its aircraft can be seen below.

NBD Consulting: Turn Left for Success