Hunter Biden Deflection System

Two cylindrical flying objects were recently shot down over Alaskan and Canadian airspace. Unfortunately, wreckage from the first target crashed into a Greenpeace Polar Bear Observation station on the coast of Alaska. Before CIA operatives could reach the wreckage, the one surviving Greenpeace activist at the station posted photos of the wreckage. Internet sleuths got to work immediately and discovered that the nomenclature found on the wreckage, HBDS-m 3000, traces back to ‘experimental aircraft’ from Area51.

We now know that the super duper, double top secret Hunter Biden Deflection System, dubbed HBDS-m originated in the U.S. HBDS-m is a joint operation between Skunkworks and the CIA. The objective of the project is to provide a credible distraction to the public. This easily deployable solution can be activated at the presidents discretion, any time he needs cover from current events.

HBDS-m actually has at least three known operating models. The 3000 model, like the one discovered at the Greenpeace outpost, is an inert drone. It is an easily disposed of object whose purpose is simply to make people worry about unreal threats. Other models include the 2020, which contains a payload of genetically modified viruses that induce public panic over pandemic fears. There is also the 2024 model, dubbed “Ukraine Re-election Assurance” (UReA). UReA contains a nuclear payload intended to create a “national emergency” that would allow the president to postpone elections indefinitely.