If you were thinking the mental health crisis in America couldn’t get any worse, you’d be wrong. Social workers across the nation are becoming overwhelmed by patients exhibiting symptoms of Bud Light Anxiety Disorder (BLADder). This newly emerging epidemic is the result of former Bud Light drinkers following their conscience and looking for a less socially toxic beer. The problem began when Anheuser-Busch sponsored a trans activist during International Womens Month. The move disenfranchised millions of loyal, typically conservative beer drinkers who were left scrambling for a new less-queer beer.
One compounding factor is that Anheuser-Busch is part of a huge brewery conglomerate AB-Inbev. This international company produces and/or markets a significant number of popular beer brands. Another issue is that many other popular beer manufacturers also kowtow to leftist lgbT+n extremists. According to the National Association of Clinical Therapists, the final, and most overwhelming factor, are microbreweries. There are literally thousands of options for beer drinkers and, fortunately, none of them taste like Bud Light.
Symptoms of Bud Light Anxiety Disorder (BLADder) include depression, isolation, confusion and frequent bed wetting. If you, or someone you love, are suffering from BLADder seek professional help at a local microbrewery, or liquor store near you.