Just Say NE

As if to mock former first lady Nancy Regan, first Lady Jill Biden has come out with an original new slogan “Just Say NE” (pronounced nay). The NE stands for “Normalize Everything”. In a press conference Wednesday, the First Lady announced a new ad campaign aimed at quelling discord between social ideologies. “Just Say Nay!” the first lady said. “And nay isn’t a vote against anything. Rather it is an acronym, NE, that means Normalize Everything. If everything is normal, then we have no reason to fight amongst ourselves.”

She continued to explain that “Normalize Everything” included: drug use, non-heterosexual orientation, gender assertions by juveniles, and even “minor-attracted-people” (aka pedophiles). “I just don’t understand how everyone can’t agree to this simple precept and just love everyone for who they are. You know, in the same way I love Joe.” In a final bid, she asked, “can’t we all just say NE?”