Real Housewives of The West Bank

The Real Housewives franchise has been struggling in the US lately with viewership dropping to historic lows since its launch in 2006. Revolution Media, which produces some of the shows claims, “American audiences have grown tired of the toothless catfights and pretentious backstabbing. Focus group data suggests audiences are ready for more realistic drama, action, and violence.” Based on that, Real Housewives of the West Bank is set to launch this summer on Al Jizzeera.

The new show will feature five wives of Mohammed Deif, commanding officer of Hamas’s Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades. A spokesman for Al Jizzeera’s prime time production unit described the women this way. “Dief’s harem are a tightly knit group of strong-willed women who are more than capable of putting up with his harsh treatment.” Other members of the cast include SumShiek, and an Anonymous Woman. SumSheik is the wife of well-known Palestinian rapper ShabJdeed. The Anonymous Woman is married to Ismail Haniyeh, a prominent politician in Palestine.

The last of the shows cast is newly divorced Fatima Al-Nablusi. Spoiler alert: Fatima Al-Nablusi gets stoned to death in the first episode. Her position in the Al-Nablusi harem is immediately filled by her 12-year-old sister who was dowryed for a goat and a stack of naan. Based on what we know, The Real Housewives of The West Bank is bound to be a smash hit.