More Cheap Fakes

At an early press conference Friday, the White House Press Secretary came unhinged at the press corps. When asked about the President’s poor performance at last nights debate, she lit into them. “The footage, the live coverage, that CNN broadcast last night was clearly more cheap fakes. I mean, it’s taken out of context, and all you get to see are the carefully edited segments. The president has stated clearly and concisely his position on all of the questions brought up in the debate. C’mon Jake,” she said looking straight at Jake Tapper. “I thought CNN was on our side.”

“I don’t know how you could call the debate footage cheap fakes,” Tapper replied, but he was immediately cut off.

Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly interjected. “Really Jake? That cut at the end where he couldn’t step off of the debate stage without holding Dr. Jill’s hand. Was that really necessary? You people disgust me. This president is doing everything he can to save Democracy as we know it. And you? You treat it like it’s all just a game. I’m talking the end of Democracy, the end of the free world if we lose this election. The stakes could not be higher and you just throw more cheap fakes out there. I don’t want to see you or any other CNN reporter in my press room again. You should resign.” KJP immediately turned and left the press room without taking any further questions.