Project 2025 Supports Post Term Abortions

Things are going from bad to worse for the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. Their call to rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left—at home and abroad is seemingly innocuous. However, mainstream news outlets and pop culture talk shows have been quick to summarized Project 2025, pointing out glaring problems like putting constraints on government and encouraging free speech. But the real devil is in the details.

If you haven’t read Project 2025 for yourself, it is freely available at their website. It’s alarming that Heritage Foundation isn’t even trying to hide their agenda. It’s all right out there in the open, which is not the way respectable policy makers should operate. Buried deep within the document, not unsurprisingly on page 666, they spell out their position on a woman’s right to choose. While it starts out in line with what we expect from bible thumping conservatives, it takes a strange turn at the end. They now support the idea of post term abortions, specifically in cases of Ivy League college attendance. Another set of exceptions for post term abortions include majoring in useless fields of study. Specifically: gender studies, identity politics, climate alarmism, and thematic trends in cultural appropriation of lesser represented marginalized groups.

While Project 2025 has a blueprint for common sense governance, people on the left can rest assured that it will never come to pass. With the Congress being overrun with self-serving incompetent boobs, it is unlikely that any of Project 2025’s objectives will ever make it out of committee.