FEMA GoFundMe Account

After learning of their looming budget crisis, a FEMA GoFundMe Account has been established to purchase new shirts for its office and field staff. FEMA director Deanne Criswell announced the GoFundMe launch Tuesday evening. “In light of the exposure of our recent budget mismanagement, we’ve decided to set up a GoFundMe account to assist FEMA employees in need of suitable field attire. Our 20,000 plus employees are working tirelessly behind their desks for nearly eight hours a day, sometimes without even a single bottle of Dasani. Fresh clean shirts will be a welcome comfort for these administrative workers considering the tremendous administrative burden they are under right now.”

A whopping $12.47 was raised in the first 6 hours of the projects launch. This is well short of the projects $86 million target. Anonymous sources at the Veterans Administration (VA) and Social Security Administration have, however, stated that these agencies are prepared to cover the shortfall in the event the target isn’t reached by Friday.