Start-up company Hannibal Foods of Saguache, Colorado announced today that it was requesting a pre-market consultation with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a new class of food made with cultured animal cells. Earlier this month, UPSIDE foods released plans for “Cultured chicken cell material” which is the first cultured food listed on the FDA’s “Human Food Made with Cultured Animal Cells Inventory” Hannibal Foods will be adding “Cultured homonid cell material”, essentially bringing cannibalism to the mainstream.

In a KickStarter campaign the company is offering special incentives to top level sponsors. At the highest, “Al Packer” tier, a sponsor can get custom cultured meat by providing a cheek swab from the person they would like to eat. The Al Packer package includes up to three of their favorite organs such as liver, kidney, testes, etc. The company also plans to release an accompanying meal product, “Hannibal-Helper” which is sure to be a big hit with busy moms.