Just 40 hours after CBS announced it would be leaving Twitter, they returned with little fanfare. While the account shows 8.8 million followers, in reality, only 12 people actually read their tweets on a regular basis. Of the 12 actual followers, nine of them left during the 40 hour hiatus, leaving CBS with a total of three real followers.

Upon realizing the lack of interest in the Twitterverse, CBS engaged the consulting firm Mckinzie & Company to help build their online presence. The engagement is rumored to come with a $2.2M price tag and will last six to twelve months. The objective? Double the actual online followership which, as mentioned before, is only three real people. Some excited CBS employees have leaked bits of the new strategy which includes creating a solid Myspace following, and a building a bot farm to infiltrate TruthSocial. An unnamed Mckinzie representative stated that while it might be a challenge to pick up that many new followers for CBS, she was confident in their strategy.