Harris shocked to find out she could vote herself president

Following the GOP senate loss in Georgia, house republicans have scaled back the rhetoric on impeaching president Biden. Incoming house leaders realized that the Senate tie breaker would be the VP, and decided she couldn’t vote without prejudice. They then decided to abandon any impeachment efforts.

In a CBS interview, Harris appeared shocked that her vote could result in her becoming President of the United States. In the interview, CBS white house correspondent Nancy Cordes asked, “Would you vote to convict the president if the Senate had a 50 /50 split vote?”

“Hell no,” Harris responded.

Cordes pressed, “Even though a vote to convict would make you president?”

“Yeah right,” the vice president responded sarcastically, followed by an awkward laugh. Realizing that Cordes was being completely serious, Harris looked puzzled and asked, “are you kidding me? Is that real?”

Cordes tossed out a softball answer, “Well, we’re just hypothesizing here,” to which the vice president guffawed before changing the subject to the environmental state of emergency being caused by Twitter servers.