On Thursday, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) kicked off the holiday season with a program internally referred to as “The Nutcracker Project”, that will provide $2 Billion in grants to inner city youth choirs.  In an effort to promote transgender acceptance, the program offers assistance for“gender affirming care” to choirboys who wish to transition.  The NEA says, “This is a beautiful opportunity to bring back the lost art of castrato, which has been missing from the music community since its draconian elimination in the early 20th century.”

BLM was quick to jump on the bandwagon stating that “Transgender acceptance is underrepresented in minority communities.  The brave program offered by the NEA not only allows young boys grow into the women they are meant to be, it goes a long way to eliminate the toxic masculinity that pervades these communities.”

Vice President Kamala Harris also chimed in when asked about the program.  “I feel that this is a great opportunity for the arts and arts in general that has been missing out for so long on something so important to the arts that it cannot be forgotten.”

House of Representatives squad leader AOC was another who was quick to join in, but lamented that the program did not go far enough.  “We should not let this be the end of support for these brave young women who will require constant medical care for the rest of their lives.  I would propose that the american people step up and fund dedicated medical facilities powered exclusively by renewable green energy that will pay for themselves at no cost to taxpayers.”

In the coming days, major corporations like Gillette, Nike, Disney, and Target are expected to announce their support for The Nutcracker Project as well as their own“sister programs” that will further enable minority communities to embrace and participate in transgender acceptance.

Critics of the program, who likened it to ‘20s era eugenics programs, were immediately blackballed.