A Tennessee mountain man has taken backwoods bushcraft to a whole new level with this homemade cold fusion reactor. Rupert, “Bubba” Goldburg of Huckleberry Ridge Tennessee has built the first known self-sustaining cold fusion reactor. What makes this invention even more remarkable is that he built it completely from scratch. Starting with a discarded window air conditioning unit, Bubba added duct tape, bailing wire, and some discarded automotive electronic components from a nearby junkyard.

“I’ve been building these sorta things for years,” Bubba explained. “But everything before used fission reactions which can get pretty hot. For this one, I did a little reverse engineering from an article I read in an old popular science magazine. I figured if I could cross an air conditioner with a reactor, I’d have somethin’.” He gave us a rundown of the technological marvel and explained how he used it to charge his Motorola StarTAC flip phone. “Imagine what I could do if I got my hands on one of them big industrial HVAC units.”

Earlier work

Goldburg took us on a tour of the Huckleberry Ridge area where he’s sold several of his previous contraptions. “My first one was your basic green duck tape envelope fueled with propane plasma.” He took us to another site where he told us about the “Turbo Inversion Crucible.” Next, we saw the Party Ball Keg Particle Accelerator. He said of this one, “it was a lot of fun to build, but it didn’t do much other than sling random particle beams that exploded everything they crossed through.” There was also a barely used incomplete unit that inspired his foray into the bushcraft fusion reactor field. “Now Barbed Wire Entanglement really showed promise once I got the magnetic field tweaked. That was the one that got me thinking about trying cold fusion.”

After traveling the hills for several hours, we finally reached the end of the tour. Here Bubba grinned. “Now this un here is a peach. It’s a really simple design with a mini keg, and a propane tank enclosure from a 1938 Airstream Clipper. That thing can generate some serious power.”