infographic explains spending bill.
Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
Infographic translates $1.7 trillion spending bill into layman’s terms

The House Appropriations Committee released a one-page infographic to explain the 4,155-page omnibus spending bill just passed by congress. The $1.7 trillion “BOHICA” bill flew through congress with overwhelming support from both sides of the aisle. 82,371,966 copies of the infographic were printed and distributed by the Government Publishing Office (GPO) at the request of congress. The poster sized Infographics are expected to be plastered on telephone poles, bridge pilings, vacant buildings, and homeless encampments across the country.

The poster, shown above, is filled with illegible writing and meaningless graphics. However, the clear and concise “BOHICA” heading is really all you need to know about the bill.