Christian slaves

Main stream media and left-wing activists have been declaring nearly everything “racist” for at least a few years now. As recently as last week, a Time Magazine article promoted the idea that exercising in America began as a white supremacist movement. This week Time Magazine stuns us again with an article claiming that slavery was never racist. That is until the discovery of the new world, at which point white Europeans transformed the practice.

In an interview with Huffy N. Arrogant, the author of the new book Why White People Suck So Bad Time Magazine explores this radical new idea. According to Ms. Arrogant, “There is this myth of white slavery before colonial times that is patently false.” She goes on to explain, “People who were considered ‘slaves’ before then, were actually free people who could leave any time they wanted, because they easily blended in with society. There is no prior evidence of cultures specifically enslaving other ethnic groups. Also, early slaves could earn their freedom, or were automatically set free after ten years.”

Slavery was never racist
Huffy N. Arrogant

She went on to explain how the systems of western civilization actively corrupted slavery into the racist institution it eventually came to be. “Western systems are designed to oppress anyone who does not fit in with the ‘norms’ of society. People with black skin were easily sorted out because they were visibly different. Realizing that slaves could never blend in with society, slavery was no longer the temporary institution. It was at this point that slavery became racist.”

It always comes down to this

The author went on to explain how racism is systemically transforming. She laments that homophobia, transphobia, latinophobia, and many other exclusionary fears are creating a new omniphobia, which must be fought from every angle. “Only through the intersection of all oppressed groups, will we overthrow white systemic omniphobia.”