Planned Parenthood Transition Surgery

Planned Parenthood (PP) is facing a dilemma, and it has nothing to do with overturning Roe v. Wade. The self-induced problem is a steadily declining revenue stream. PP’s highest volume revenue stream, abortions, have been offered since 1916. A hundred years later, in 2016, PP began offering hormone and puberty blocking therapies. Not surprisingly, all of this significantly reduces the number of women available for abortion services. In light of the expected downtrend, Planned Parenthood has begun offering surgical transition & genital mutilation services in select markets.

Their decision is based on revenue projections for this emerging market. According to Grand View Research, the U.S. sex reassignment surgery market, currently valued at $1.9B, is projected to grow 11.2% annually through at least 2030. Global projections are even higher, as much as 25.1%. Surgical transition as a market vertical will be tested in California, Oregon, and New York City. Note that the revenue projections are for the surgical procedures alone. This doesn’t even take into account the necessary lifelong aftercare that follows these surgeries. Revenue projections for the aftercare market could not be located, but you can rest assured that Planned Parenthood will capitalize here as well.

Genital mutilation via sex reassignment surgery is considered acceptable by most progressives. But don’t expect Planned Parenthood to stop there. The organization has negotiated with The Islamic Republic of Iran to open the Tehran chapter of Planned Parenthood. There they will be performing traditional female genital mutilation (FGM) in accordance with cultural norms on girls from birth to age 15. The agreement also includes castration of “gender confused male” patients. These patients will then be deported to other countries to complete their transitions. In defending FGM, Planned Parenthood claims that medicalizing the practice will result in safer procedures, and possibly abandonment of the procedure altogether.

Planned Parenthood Cements its Future

By offering surgical transition and genital mutilation services, Planned Parenthood has positioned itself for a growing revenue stream for decades to come.