Biden confused about aliens at the border
Biden’s aliens at the border

President Joe Biden visited the southern border Sunday and was completely shocked at what he saw. Flying over the border near El Paso Texas, he saw tent towns with hundreds of people camped out just south of the concertina wire barriers there. At a press conference immediately following the fly-over, Biden expressed his dismay at all the ruckus being raised about border crossings. “I’m confused,” he said. “I don’t get it. What the hell are Republicans so upset about,” he asked rhetorically. “All I saw was a bunch of migrant workers camping out, waiting to come over and pick crops. My God man, they’re just Mexicans,” he said in a merciful plea. “And we need Mexicans. Didn’t you just see the December jobs report? Nonfarm job growth increased something like 223%, which means we need more farm workers.”

Biden went on to explain his confusion about the border crisis. “When you people talk about a border crisis, influx of illegal aliens, I thought we were going to Area 51. That’s where the aliens come into this country.” He turned to the Kamala, and asked, “Isn’t that right President Harris?”

“That’s right Joe,” she answered before tossing another of her famous word salads. “We don’t refer to these already degraded and demoralized farm hands as aliens.” Then, in a show of pity, she slowly shook her head side to side as she continued. “It would be demoralizing and degrading to refer to them in a way that would only demoralize and degrade them further into degradation and demoralization.”