Biden to meet Paul McCartney

President Joe Biden showed off his mental acuity again this week during a speech about his administration’s economic success. He started the event by joking about a previous gaff then added, “They said that Biden really is stupid and he doesn’t know it.” He then transitioned to an upcoming meeting with the newly appointed House Majority Leader. “I can’t tell ya how excited I am to be meeting with House Majority Speaker Paul McCartney next week. I’ve always been a fan of the Roling Stones, but never dreamed any of them would make it to congress. I wonder if he’d sing my favorite Roling Stones song Yesterday.” He then uttered some unintelligible gibberish, “Izza blanna vuzerswizzle?” and followed up with “No really, let’s get back to business. Where’s Doug? Senator Doug?”

When are the meds supposed to kick in?