As The US Military struggles to meet its recruitment goals, admirals and generals are grasping at straws to attract new members. After exhaustive research, all branches agreed to update their physical readiness requirements to include dance moves. Lt General Stephen Whiting, commander of Space Operations Command, provided insight into how the decision was made.

Existing standards are based on old paradigms where soldiers, sailors, and airpersons were involved in physical combat. In the modern warfare theatre, that is simply not the case. Today’s service members are more likely to use their minds than their bodies in the art of war. And military aged people are no longer interested in serving their country as physical combatants. In order to attract talent, we must adapt.

Lt General Stephen Whiting, commander of Space Operations Command

Beginning April 1, 2023, physical readiness standards for all five branches will become more stringent. The long-standing mile and a half run will be eliminated. Instead, each servicemember will be required to master at least 3 of the 10 standard dance moves. Each year, the requirement increases by two dance moves so that by 2027 the entire dance repertoire will be required. Whiting concluded, “It is our hope that other world militaries will follow our lead. In doing so, future wars will quite likely be settled with dance off’s and poetry slams.”

Based on that statement, the 11 general orders of a sentry are going to need updating too.

  • Physical Readiness Dance Moves
  • Physical Readiness Dance Moves
  • Physical Readiness Dance Moves