$32K in vet bills

It was a tragic week for little Gwen and her human family. After going missing for nearly two days, she finally reappeared at the back step, exhausted from the adventure. The family was relieved that their prayers were answered, and Gwen was back home. But after two days, Gwen’s condition worsened, and she required emergency medical treatment. Emergency pet care is not cheap. And in this case the family was about to find out that thousands in vet bills would not to be enough to save the cats life.

Before we get to the end of the story, let’s walk through little Gwen’s care. The veterinary emergency group where she originally went did a jam up job working to save her on that first night. They X-rayed her to find that she had fluid building up around her lungs. They inserted chest tubes and monitored her for two days, but the kitty took another turn for the worse. Now she had air starting to build up, a condition known as pneumothorax. The emergency clinic could not treat this condition and recommended a specialist.

The specialist recommended a barrage of diagnostic procedures including a CT scan. The cost of the scan alone blew the family’s budget, and they realized there was nothing more they could do for their little furry friend. Dejected and downtrodden, they took little Gwen back to the veterinary emergency group to have one last look at her. In a last-ditch effort, one of the doctors suggested just pulling the chest tubes and seeing how the cat responded. Miraculously, after three days, Gwen was on the road to a full recovery. When The man asked the doctor how this could possibly be, the doc responded, “your prayers were answered, and apparently she still had eight more lives.”