Biden jokes about Jill

First Lady Jill Biden embarked on an historical trip to Africa this week. The trip, scheduled to last five days, began in Namibia and will end in Kenya. When the President was asked by a reporter about the first lady’s trip, Joe described why she had gone. “Well, this is an extremely important trip for her. She’ll be focusing on the empowerment of women and youth, efforts to address food insecurity, and promoting our shared democratic values.”

But then Joe went off prompt and, as he is prone to do, he upcycled a joke he’d previously told about the first lady. “I also saw the video of her arriving yesterday and she really looked excited to see those svelte Namibian drummers.” He paused and smiled a bit before continuing. “You know, when I was a kid, they had a joke about that. And while I can’t repeat it, I can say this. Judging by the look in her eyes, I wouldn’t be surprised if she never came back.”