Fact Checkers rate Woody Harrelson

On Saturday, Woody Harrelson made his fifth appearance as the host of Saturday Night Live. In his opening monologue, he joked about a movie script he turned down in 2019. According to Harrelson, the script featured a consortium of drug cartels that convinced the government to push drugs for them. They got the government to lock down citizens unless they took the cartel’s drugs. And the citizens would have to keep taking the drugs in order to prevent future lockdowns. Immediately, fact checkers rated Woody Harrelson’s story as “Total Bull$h!t”. The reason given for the rating was “Harrelson was admittedly stoned when he came up with this crackpot story. Disinformation about government involvement in ‘big Pharma’ conspiracies cannot be tolerated under any circumstances, even comedy routines. There is no research to indicate that Covid-19 boosters are anything less than safe and effective.”