Don Lemon Fails

Don Lemon fails once again. This time by not applying the same rules to all parties interested in the 2024 presidential election. Just over a week ago, when Nikki Haley announced her candidacy for the presidential election in 2024, television commentator Don Lemon was quick to point out that Haley, at age 50, was – by definition – past her prime. At the time Lemon stated, “This whole talk about age makes me uncomfortable. Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime, sorry. A woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s, and 30s and maybe 40s.” He pathetically defended his position by saying it was “not according to him” and told the audience to “google it.”

Sunday, 70-year-old Marianne Williamson announced her bid for the Democratic nomination in the 2024 election. But on Monday’s edition of CNN’s This Morning, Lemon was eerily silent about Williamson’s age. Was it because he learned his lesson after inappropriately blasting Haley for her age? Hardly! There are a few things at play here. First, Lemon knows that Williamson is a granola eating kook that doesn’t stand a chance against Biden in the primaries. Secondly, and certainly more importantly, Williamson is a Democrat, making any criticism of her off limits. Mainstream media commentators, especially gay black ones, have carte blanch to say anything they like to discredit any conservative. Even if the conservative is a minority, female, first generation US citizen. But confronting a white-privileged septuagenarian leftist is completely off limits.