After a crushing defeat in the Chicago mayoral race, Lori Lightfoot’s political career is far from over. Upon hearing the news Tuesday, President Biden called Lightfoot to offer condolences, and a job. Based on her extensive experience with violent crime, Biden has appointed Lightfoot Crime Prevention Czar. Just before heading off on another vacation, Biden spoke to a handful of reporters on the tarmac. “I think she knows a lot about crime and having another diverse member on my cabinet makes sense. I mean what other president would have the guts to appoint a gay, lesbian, black, african American, female to such a high post? And the crime in her city was not her fault. She’s been dealing with the fallout of MAGA republican trickle down screwcenomics.”

What does the Lori Lightfoot crime prevention Czar mean for the country as a whole? Let’s hope the crime stats for the country don’t follow the crime stats for Chicago under her leadership.