Confusion Surrounds DC Crime Bill

Confusion surrounds the DC crime bill and the recent congressional involvement in it. The original bill offered reduced sentencing for most violent crimes. In January, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser vetoed the bill. Subsequently, the DC City Council scraped up enough votes to overturn Bowser’s veto. And just recently, congress successfully moved to block the bill, and Biden stated that he would not veto the congressional move if it came to his desk. Bowser expressed dismay at support from a Republican house along with centrist Democrats in the Senate. “How dare these right-wing extremists support my position on crime. I’m infuriated that these extremists would align themselves with any of my values. It’s demoralizing that conservative extremists would agree with me on anything. They are enemy number one. Supporting my tough on crime position can only be construed as a nefarious effort to mask their subversive agenda.”

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer (D-NY) are now in favor of invoking the 25th amendment to remove the president. Pelosi stated, “It is incomprehensible that the President didn’t warn us about this. He is clearly in a state of decreased mental capacity. Even an idiot understands the importance of reduced sentencing for violent crimes.”