Ghislaine Maxwell, now defamed cohort of the notorious pedophile Jefferey Epstein, has signaled that she’s ready to talk. Specifically, she’s ready to release the coveted list of Epstein’s top clients, rumored to contain famous personalities and leaders from around the globe. It is no surprise then that the UN endorses pedophilia decriminalization just a few weeks ahead of her disclosure. The UN is pressuring governments around the globe to accept the position that, “sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual, in fact, if not in law.”
In the United States, several conservative lawmakers have petitioned the Biden administration to publicly denounce the UN position. But it is unlikely that Biden, who personally takes pleasure in sniffing young girls, will heed the conservative calls. It is much more probable that the current administration, under extreme leftist influence, is likely to issue executive orders that coincide with the UN recommendation. Damascus Dispatch is expecting Biden to immediately issue a directive to all agencies of the executive branch, similar to the recent “environmental justice” order. The new order will require agencies to incorporate policies that “fight systemic bias against Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs)”