Now where did I put my pen?

Democrats and spend happy republicans alike are increasingly concerned that the $1.7 Trillion spending package they just approved may never make it past the president’s desk. The President has ten days to sign the bill into law, and therein lies the problem. While all agree that Biden would be happy to saddle taxpayers with another $1.7 trillion, the question remains: will he find his pen in time to sign it?

Recent gaffs and outright lies to the public are increasingly calling into question the president’s mental health. Having pardoned a Tofurkey on Thanksgiving, given up nuclear launch codes to phone scammers, and insinuating his wife has a thing for Navaho Indians, the concerns are real. In addition to the problem of not being able to find his pen, the President has also commented that he’d might like to read the bill before signing it. At 4155 pages long, he’s more likely to die than finish reading the bill.

One thing is for sure, someone will find a way to get the president to sign the irresponsible spending bill. Even if it comes at the eleventh hour and someone has to sharpen a tofurkey quill, jab it in his arm and make him sign in blood.