Home School Shootings Still Zero

There’s a growing concern among media pundits and left leaning politicians that home school shootings remain at zero despite the huge presence of guns in homes. According to the Americangunfacts.com, about 46% of all households in America have at least one gun. It is also estimated that the average gun owner owns at least 5 guns. Factor in the 1.2 million 2021 home school student increase, and it just doesn’t add up. By all accounts, home school shootings should be sckyrocketing.

Sunny Hostin, of ABCs The View suggests it’s a matter of white privilege that home schooled kids are insulated from school shootings. “It isn’t fair that home school shootings are zero. Those kids should be required to go to public school. They should go just to experience the fear that the average BIPOC* student does,” Hostin suggested. Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) called to the public for action. “We should show these privileged students that staying home won’t make them safer. No child deserves to experience fear of going to school while white kids sit safe in their homes.”

*If you have to look up BIPOC, you clearly have white privilege