green tanks for Ukraine

The US and Germany have agreed to send military equipment including tanks to the Ukraine. However, a recent wrinkle has popped up in the deal from the US. While initially it was assumed that the US would be sending M1 Abrams tanks, US military leadership has changed its approach. Gen. Mark Miley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has interpreted the word “Green” in the tank order to mean carbon neutral. “The request was for Green tanks, with a capital G. That can only mean one thing: they want tanks that don’t burn fossil fuel. It’s going to take us some time, but we will send Green tanks to Ukraine.”

According to, the US does not currently carry an inventory of electric tanks. Sources close to the pentagon suggest that the US will convert existing Sherman M4 tanks to electric. US officials will also have to contend with the problem of the lack of charging infrastructure in Ukraine. To deal with this, sources indicate that each tank will come with three additional charging options, a windmill, a solar panel, and a hand crank generator. DOD is also working on plans with Walmart to offer Ukraine soldiers deep discounts on its most popular portable generator models.

Leftists and Climate change activists applauded the move. Greta Thunberg stated “It’s about time the military did their part in the war on climate change. These green tanks will surely save the planet.”

  • Green tanks for Ukraine
  • green tanks for Ukraine