Jeremy Boring introducing Jeremy's beer (or Jeremys beer)

Tired of international mega conglomerations pushing radical ideologies down your throat? Well, so is self-proclaimed god King Jeremy Boring of the Daily Wire. In light of the recent trans activist move by Budweiser, who decided to endorse a man dressed as a woman during International Women’s Month, Jeremy has taken it upon himself to produce a beer that is sure to attract the opposite sex. “Jeremy’s beer is a full bodied, crisp clean beer without lingering aftertaste of mass produced leftist beers,” claims Boring in his new commercial. he also touts the redemptive qualities of his new beer. “When someone sees you Jeremy’s beer in your hand, they’ll know that what they see is the real deal. And they’ll never be worried about surprise packages after they take you home. Ladies and gentlemen, this ain’t no tranny fluid.”