Top Harris Staffer Resigns after sandbags found in VPs office

The Senior advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris resigned Monday after an investigation uncovered hundreds of sandbags stored in the Vice President’s office. Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, who has been a Harris staffer since her prison release in 2009, stepped down without comment Monday. FBI records show that Ms. Fromme ordered thousands of sandbags from amazon in the weeks leading up to President Joe Biden’s appearance at the US Air Force Academy last Thursday. Investigators have yet to determine if the sandbag that the president tripped over was among those ordered by Fromme.

Shortly after the resignation, Vice President Harris did address a handful of reporters as she left a local coffee shop. “I can’t comment on Squeaky’s resignation, except to say that commenting on Squeaky would be taken out of context of the present situation on Squeaky commentary.”