Undercover investigative reporter learns 
 that BlackRock offers half price senators commpared to Vanguard

Investment giant Vanguard is losing investors after an undercover video from James O’keefe dropped on twitter last night. In the video, a BlackRock recruiter brags that BlackRock offers low price senators at the disgustingly low price of $10,000. In the video, the BlackRock recruiter, Serge Varlay stated, “Yup, you can buy your candidates. First, there’s the Senators. These guys are f***ng cheap. You got ten grand? You can buy a senator.” The reporter then commented, “wow, that’s like E-trade rates.” “F**k yeah,” replied Serge.

On Wednesday’s opening bell, Vanguard investors began pulling money out and moving it to BlackRock. “I’ve been getting shafted this whole time,” one angry Vanguard investor said. “I paid $250,000 for my senator through Vanguard. And I had to pay a commission!” Vanguard is projected to lose 10% of its market value over this fiasco.

Executives at Vanguard were quick to address the situation. Tim Buckley, Board Chairman and CEO of Vanguard, addressed investors’ concerns at an impromptu press conference. “Don’t believe everything you hear. Serge Varlay is a braggadocios crackpot recruiter who’s just trying to make a name for himself. Even if BlackRock could buy senators for ten grand, you wouldn’t be getting the quality of senators you get for your money at Vanguard. We’ve got top ranking senators on both sides of the aisle. McConnel, Feinstein, Durban and Collins to name a few. Who can they get you? J.D. Vance, AOC? Get real. When BlackRock offers low price senators, you get what you don’t pay for.”