Information Contagion

The Biden administration has declared “Information Contagion” aka InfoCon as a greater threat to humanity than global warming. In a recent address, Vice President Kamala Harris declared, “we must fight the spread of information. Individuals are incapable of making informed decisions based on the plethora of information available. We must act now to inform citizens of the dangers of information. The Harris Biden administration is dedicated to the distribution of pure information. When I say pure information, I mean information that has not been tainted by those unvetted by the democratic majority. Information Contagion, or InfoCon, as I like to call it, kills.”

Information Contagion icon

Harris went on to praise the Fifth Circuit’s temporary stay of a previous ruling that prohibited the White House and other federal agencies from communicating with social media outlets to censor “disfavored” speech. Harris went on to describe a new federally mandated label to be applied to any social media post that doesn’t meet Government truth standards.

The Real Danger of Information Contagion

The current administration is pushing the idea that no information is trustworthy unless the government approves of it. Surprisingly, an enormous segment of the population believes this. In relinquishing the responsibility of validating their sources, these people are losing their ability to think critically. As a result, any information approved by the government is accepted as gospel and cannot be disputed. Facts no longer matter.

The politically correct standard claims that global warming is an imminent danger to humanity. But in reality, the Information Contagion isn’t Going Away Anytime Soon

Considering the inability of upcoming generations to concentrate on anything longer than a thirty second TikTok video, the problem won’t be easily resolved. Their attention spans are so short that they can’t even recognize when current administration policy changes flip 180 degrees overninght. Only to be flipped again in a week. With generations that are easily duped, they’ll never have the capacity to question lies that are being fed to them.