DOE Bans Gas Generators

In another effort to “save the planet“, the DOE bans gas generators. Additionally, they’ve demanded that residential and commercial generators be all electric by December 2022. Senator Joe Manchin (D- Kentucky) balked at the idea, pointing out the obvious error that the deadline had already passed. White House Press Secretary Karine Jeane-Pierre explained the logic behind the DOE’s move. “The President has made clear his position on stopping global warming to save the planet. The DOE has acted accordingly, implementing this new rule. The reason the deadline is backdated is to allow us to collect overdue penalties from manufacturers of these machines of death.”

KJP barely took a breath as she explained further details. “To help address the issue, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm has created a new research department, All ‘Lektrik within the DOE. This department will be responsible for rapidly developing and deploying 100% electric generator sets. Establishhment of this planet saving organization has also been backdated to January 2020 to provide them more time to create a solution. Jennifer has appointed Hunter Biden as the Chief Operating Officer based on his broad knowledge and experience in the energy sector. His annual salary of $450,000, retroactive to the organization start date, ensures he’ll stay onboard until the project is finished.”

World Economic Forum (WEF) leader Klaus Schwab hailed the move by the Biden administration. “This is government in action at its finest,” Schwab exclaimed. “Regressively penalizing greedy, pollution crazed corporations for their actions is sheer brilliance. It is a model for world governments to follow.” The world’s largest electrical union, IBEW, also ecstatically trumpeted the news. IBEW President Ken Cooper stated, “A government backed program to build electric powered electric generators will keep electricians busy for years to come and all but ensure infinite work for our union members.”