Man Tracks Daughter

Imagine this. Your teenage daughter is on her way home from school and makes an unexpected stop. Your Life360 alert goes off and you open the app to track her whereabouts. Seeing she stopped at a small shopping center, you notice her loitering in the parking lot for several minutes before continuing home. This true story actually occurred and as the man tracks daughter the rest of the way home he comes to a horrifying realization.

Eventually the girl arrives home and the concerned father interrogates her. When asked what she was doing at the shopping center, she claimed she went to Starbucks for a drink. She produced the cold sweating cup as evidence of her errand. “Want some?” she asked.

“I’m not buying it,” he replied. “Why were you in that black car in the parking lot?” he asked.

“What are you talking about Dad?”

“I saw it on Life360.” He pulls out his phone and produces a screenshot showing “Jenny”, the purple circle marked “J” overlapping a black car.

“Dad! That’s just an old satellite picture from Google earth. It’s not live?”

“Bullshit.” he says. In typical teenage fashion, she blows him off and disappears into her room. Later that night, after dark, Jenny notified her dad that she was going to get an ice cream at the same shopping center. Of course, Dad had to track her. When he saw that she was at that same black car again he immediately called her. “What are you doing with that guy in the black car again? Are you buying drugs?”

“Dad,” she said. “If that’s a live satellite picture, why is it still daylight out?”

He promptly hung up the phone, mumbled, “live satellite tracking my ass,” and cancelled his subscription.