Damascus Dispatch writers strike again

Yesterday another Damascus Dispatch writers strike was announced by the staff here at DamDis.com. What’s sad is that they have no idea what they’re talking about. They claim I’m raking in money off of their backs and taking a lavish vacation that is underserved. While I admit the vacation is quite lavish, it is certainly not off of their backs that I can afford it, and certainly not undeserved.

In full transparency, DamDis.com has raked in a whopping $2.63 in ad revenue since our launch 256 days ago. And that’s just estimated revenue which will not actually get paid until we reach a minimum payout of $100. At this rate we’ll get our first check on March 18, 2050. If these writers want to afford bouzhee vacations off of their salaries, the better start writing content that people want to read. I wonder if the Damascus Dispatch writers see their career lights fading yet.

Since they’ll be striking for the rest of the week, I’ll just enable ChatGPT to write their articles instead. Perhaps the mindless drivel that comes out of that POS AI machine will be more appealing to the masses.